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Hero: Little Boy - THE IMMORTAL MYSTICS / Mindiff ©

Final Illustration.

Final Illustration.

This was the original reference I was supplied with

This was the original reference I was supplied with

For this one the setup idea was pretty clear, Little boy working on his hammer with his father guiding him , still I wanted to try a couple of different ideas.

For this one the setup idea was pretty clear, Little boy working on his hammer with his father guiding him , still I wanted to try a couple of different ideas.

sadly for this picture I don't have many process pics but here's some really rough one, setting up mood and begin to render some parts.

sadly for this picture I don't have many process pics but here's some really rough one, setting up mood and begin to render some parts.

More rendering.

More rendering.

Added some tweaks and effects for the final product.

Added some tweaks and effects for the final product.

Final Artwork & Process done for the Hero Splash Art: Little Boy from the MOBA game THE IMMORTAL MYSTICS / Mindiff ©

Original Character Design By: Javier de la Cruz

February 25, 2021